Persons at Work
Number of Families with Children
Persons at work or unemployed
SAP2022T3T2TOWN22 - Irish Speakers aged 3 years and over by Frequency of Speaking IrishRialtasIrish Speakers aged 3 years and over by Frequency of Speaking Irish
Persons who smoke
SAP2022T3T1TOWN22 - Population aged 3 years and over by Ability to Speak IrishRialtasPopulation aged 3 years and over by Ability to Speak Irish
General Health of Population
SAP2022T4T1TOWN22 - Number of families, persons or children in private householdsRialtasNumber of families, persons or children in private households
Persons with a disability
Number of Volunteers
Households with Smoke Alarms
Households with Renewable Energy Source
Permanent private households
Permanent private households
Permanent private households
SAP2022T6T4ED - Permanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private HouseholdsRialtasPermanent Private Households and Number of Persons in Permanent Private Households