Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies.Ireland’s ports play a crucial role in facilitating our economic growth and prosperity, as well as food security. Ports and harbours are key sites for land-sea interaction,...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
Housing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data 2023https://www.gov.ie/en/publication/5b918-housing-supply-coordination-task-force-for-dublin/
This Feature Layer View includes the Community metrics for public view for the Local Authority Community Call Response Fora, data pivoted by Local Authority and date.
Ireland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
As an Island nation, fishing has always been economically and socially important to our country. Ireland’s proximity to the rich, productive seas of the North East Atlantic provides an ideal resource on which to continue to develop the seafood sector. Ireland’s coastline,...
The NMPF’s climate change policies seek to support management of potential impacts of proposals in two ways. Firstly, the way in which the proposal may affect natural and / or physical features that play a role in mitigation (e.g. carbon sequestration) or adaptation (e.g....
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017 Tier 2a Sites with planning applications under considerationTithíochtDublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets...
Dublin housing taskforce Q4 2016 - Tier 2a locations
TithíochtIreland’s marine waters host a rich and diverse range of species and habitats, including important fish spawning and nursery areas. Ecosystems provide a series of services for human well-being (ecosystem services) either directly (as food and fibre) or indirectly by providing...
Tier 2A (Q1 2023) Sites where a planning application has been lodged with a planning authorityTithíochtHousing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data 2023https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-housing-local-government-and-heritage/
Tier 1 (Q4 2022) Sites where planning permission has been granted and the permission can be imple...TithíochtHousing Supply Coordination Task Force for Dublin Data Q4 2022https://www.gov.ie/en/organisation/department-of-housing-local-government-and-heritage/
Dublin Housing Task Force Q4 2017Housing Supply Coordination Task Force For Dublin Quarter 4 2017 ReturnsBackground - Construction 2020In May 2014, the Government published Construction 2020 – A Strategy for a Renewed Construction Sector (link is external). This Strategy sets...
Generalised Zoning Types developed for the Myplan project. This represents a consistent zoning scheme across all local authorities, and complements (rather than replaces) the existing statutory zoning used for each individual plan.This data is also available on the MyPlan map...
TimpeallachtGalway County Council Administrative Buildings
Tuam Local Area Plan 2018 - 2024Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this data for any...
Clifden Local Area Plan 2018 - 2024 Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this data for...
Galway County Council Planning Application Register (pre 1995).Planning Applications are represented as point objects.Galway County Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. Galway County Council...