The First Atlas of Breeding Birds in Britain and Ireland: 1968-1972.
Data Resources (3)
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Theme | Environment |
Date released | 2017-07-28 |
Date updated | 2017-07-28 |
Dataset conforms to these standards | The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment. |
Rights notes | {"Creative Commons licence conditions apply",,otherRestrictions} |
Language | English |
Landing page | |
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format | {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.69920695, 51.37677313],[-10.69920695, 55.42956303], [-5.44213565, 55.42956303], [-5.44213565, 51.37677313], [-10.69920695, 51.37677313]]]} |
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) | TM75 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29903) |
Vertical Extent | {"verticalDomainName": "EPSG Projection 5731 - Malin Head height", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "0"} |
Provenance information | All the data was checked and validated as part of the atlas project. The list and number of species recorded in each 10-km square are as complete as they can be. Clearly those squares visited for less time (especially the more remote areas) are likely to have fewer species recorded and it is the rarer and more elusive species (eg nocturnal) ones which will not be recorded in these circumstances. However the maps as published are considered a true representation of the distribution of the species at a national level, while accepting that there will be some gaps in individual squares. Data Capture Method: Specific fieldwork was conducted by mainly volunteer observers although professional help was used in some remoter areas. Observers were asked to visit each 10-km square and record the presence of as many species as they could find and to note whether they were Possibly breeding (column 1) e.g. seen in the correct habitat, Probably breeding (column 2) e.g. holding territory, visiting probable nestsite, or Confirmed breeding (column 3) e.g. seen carrying food, recent fledglings, nest with eggs or young found. The stated objective was to get as many species into column 3 as possible. The dataset records the maximum category of breeding evidence obtained for each species in each 10-km square. To make the dataset directly comparable to the second BTO/SOC/IWC Breeding Atlas 1988-91 these were converted into S -- Seen (for Possibly Breeding) or B -- Breeding (for Probably and Confirmed Breeding). Data Capture Purpose: To compile as complete a breeding species list as possible for every 10-km square in Britain and Ireland, to enable distributional patterns across the region to be detected. |
Period of time covered (begin) | 1968-01-01 |
Period of time covered (end) | 1972-12-31 |
High Value Dataset (HVD) | No |