Margaritifera Habitat Classification

Category: Environment
Views: 23
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This polyline feature dataset contains stretches of river, mainly located within the SAC catchments for which Sub-basin management plans have been written.

The lines are mapped to coincide with EPA River Segments , and contain river stretches of suitable pearl mussel habitat.

Data Resources (1)

available as WMS

Data Resource Preview - WMS GetMap

Theme Environment
Date released 2015-09-02
Date updated 2023-08-21
Dataset conforms to these standards The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.
Rights notes {,"EPA INTERNAL",license}
Update frequency Other
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.47472, 51.44555],[-10.47472, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 51.44555], [-10.47472, 51.44555]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM65 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29902)
Vertical Extent {"verticalDomainName": "EPSG Projection 5731 - Malin Head height", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "1014"}
Provenance information A shapefile containing river stretches of known Margaritifera habitat was first set up by NPWS as part of the 2007 Conservation Assessments for EU Habitats Directive reporting. In conjunction with the preparation of Sub-basin management plans RPS Consulting Engineers was provided with this GIS layer by NPWS as a starting point for generating a full river line classification GIS polyline layer. This involved validating all records currently in the GIS layer in conjunction with Evelyn Moorkens to ensure all records were in the correct location and also to ensure they were valid records. Subsequently the file was checked for topology issues by NPWS in 2010 to produce the file <FPM_Habitat_Classification_2011_v01>. As a result of these checks - continuous stretches with identical attribution were merged - some of the lines were redigitised to match up with OSI discovery 1:50.000 series features - loose ends were connected, and dangles removed - unjustified gaps within lines were closed - lines were extended to include recent pearl mussel records FPM_Habitat_Classification_2013_v02: - done in January 2013 - stretches for Munster Blackwater catchment and River Cloon added as result of work on Conservation Objectives - additions to Rivers Tay (2007 survey), Sneem (2004 survey) and Nore (2011 survey) FPM_Habitat_Classification_2013_v03: - done in April 2013 - lines for some catchments adjusted. Apart from small areas, all lines now coincide with EPA River Segment mapping FPM_Habitat_Classification_2014_v04: - done in July 2014 - line adjusted for the Owenriff near Oughterard to follow the main channel at river bend - Owenea: new line added to reflect habitat north-east of Glenties; main channel line slightly extended upstream FPM_Habitat_Classification_2015_v05: - done in March 2015 - updates for the Currane catchment, in conjunction with preparation of Site Specific conservation Objectives for cSAC 000365 FPM_Habitat_Classification_2015_v06 and v_07: - review of features for Kerry Blackwater, Caragh and Gearhameen catchments - lines for Sneem and Tay catchments removed from feature class, as outside of SACs FPM_Habitat_Classification_2016_v08: - February 2016 - amendment of SSCOs for SAC002170: deleting Munster Blackwater main channel line - addition of small segment for River Licky FPM_Habitat_Classification_2017_v09 - March 2017 / June 2017 - River Dawros: Stretch between Lough Maladrolaum and Pollacappul Lough added in preparation of data for SSCO for SAC 002031 The Twelve Bens/Garraun Complex - Bundorragha River: lime extended to cover 2016 records upstream from Fin Lough in preparation of data for SSCO for SAC 001932 Mweelrea/Sheeffry/Erriff Complex SAC FPM_Habitat_Classification_2018_v10 - September 2018 - River Allow / Munster Blackwater catchment: line extended to integrate recent upstream records FPM_Habitat_Classification_IGTM75_2020_v11 - May 2020 - Habitat lines extended in Bandon - Caha and Corrib – Owenriff catchments following addition of records to point feature class - Munster Blackwater line reintroduced; Owentaraglin added
Period of time covered (begin) 2011-02-10
Period of time covered (end) 2015-09-02