Annual Open Data Conference 2020

13 November 2020


Ireland's third annual Open Data Conference took place on 2nd December 2020 via Webex.  

This year's conference focused on the theme of "The journey from Open Data Publication to Impact - How the publication, reporting and re-use of data enables the delivery of improved public services."

The conference was attended by some 240 public servants and was opened by Minister Ossian Smyth, Minister of State for Public Procurement and eGovernment.  Contributions were made from a number of renowned International Speakers who shared their perspective on best practice and the future of Open Data.  The conference also included testimonials from local open data publishers and open data re-users, putting powerful and practical perspectives on how to progress the journey for publication to tangible impact.

Speakers included: Prof. Elena Simper, Kings College, London; Hugh Mangan, Business & Marketing Manager, Ordnance Survey Ireland; Dr. Edward Curry, Principal Investigator, Insight Centre for Data Analytics; Josh D'Addario, Open Data Institute; Mark Warren, OGCIO; Peggy Ryan and Sheila Moore, Tusla; Liam O’Sullivan, Dublin Dashboard, Rhoda Kerins, D/PER and Deirdre Lee, Derilinx.

The Presentations given on the day are available at this link.  A recording of the conference is available here.

The Agenda was as follows:

  1. Opening and welcome
  2. High Value Datasets - From Publication to Impact - International Perspective and Best Practice
  3. Sharing on the Journey - Testimonials from Publishers and re-Users - Panel Discussion
  4. Publication of Open Datasets, High Value Datasets, Legislative Development and Public Service Wide Initiative - Panel Discussion
  5. International Perspectives on the the Future of Open Data