8 Results

None: Households

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    Tables B.1.1 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding deposits from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions resident in Ireland, on the basis of the original maturity of the deposits.
    The Money and Banking Statistics contain data on the liabilities and assets of within-the-State offices of credit institutions. These data are further broken down by institutional sector, residency of counterparties, and by the type and maturity of the main asset (loans,...
    Table B.3.1 presents quarterly mortgage rate data specific to the Irish market. These data include all euro and non-euro denominated mortgage lending in the Republic of Ireland only. New business refers to new mortgage lending drawdowns during the quarter, broken down by type...
    Table B.2.2 presents monthly data on euro-denominated renegotiated loans to euro area households and NFCs, by Irish resident credit institutions. Renegotiated loans refer to new business loans (exclude revolving loans and overdrafts, and credit card debt) that were already on...
    Table B.2.1 provides monthly data on new euro-denominated deposit and loan agreements between euro area households or NFCs and credit institutions resident in Ireland.
    Daily Card Payments by Irish Households. A subset of the monthly Card Payment Statistics. The onset of the Covid-19 pandemic created the need for timely, high-frequency data, such as the Daily Credit and Debit Card Statistics, to better understand the impact of the pandemic...
    Table B.1.2 provide monthly interest rates on euro-denominated outstanding loans from/to euro area households and NFCs on the balance sheets of credit institutions resident in Ireland, on the basis of the original maturity of the loans
    Card Payments by Irish Households. The Credit and Debit Card Statistics provide data in relation to credit and debit card transactions, including a sectoral breakdown of expenditure, E-commerce, spending outside Ireland, and data pertaining to the role of debit cards. A...
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