EnvironmentCentral Statistics Office administrative unit created for population statistics at a local level. Census small areas are a sub-division of the Electoral Division administrative unit. Census Small Area (CSA) generally cover 65-90 households. There are 18488 boundary features...
EnvironmentProduced by the OSi, this displays the coordinates of the coastal shoreline of Ireland. The vertical datum for the shoreline should be mean sea high water in tidal maritime zone or normal water.
EnvironmentOrdnance Survey Ireland 1:250,000 scale shoreline polyline layer for Ireland used in Irelands Marine Atlas. The vertical datum for the shoreline should be mean sea high water in tidal maritime zone or normal water. Ordnance Survey Ireland
The COVID-19 data follows Linked Data principles and resolve to a Web page or RDF file with content negotiation. For example, the following URI for a COVID-19 statistics profile record: http://data.geohive.ie/resource/covid/statprofile/2020-03-30 will redirect to...