Statistics from the Charities Regulators Registration and Reporting unit
Monthly statistics from the Charities Regulators Compliance and Enforcement unit detailing the processing of concerns received.
SocietyStatistical report based on charitable financial data from 2022 relating to charitable bequests.
All Annual Reports submitted to the Charities Regulator for the period up to October 2024
Data sets relating to Charity Survey conducted in 2022
Data tables for a public survey undertaken in 2022-2023
Monthly statistics from the Charities Regulators Compliance and Enforcement unit detailing the processing of concerns received.
Statistics from the Charities Regulators Registration and Reporting unit
There are just over 11,500 registered charities and, based on charity financial data for 2021, which is the most up-to-date full year available, almost half (excluding schools) reported an annual income of less than €100,000. This report takes a closer look at these smaller...
Statistics from the Charities Regulators Registration and Reporting unit
Monthly statistics from the Charities Regulators Compliance and Enforcement unit detailing the processing of concerns received.
The Charities Regulator issued an online survey to gauge the impact of the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic on the sector. The Survey ran from 1 April to 13 April 2020 which was relatively early in what is a fast-moving public health crisis. The response rate was significant...
Under section 52 of the Charities Act 2009, all registered charities are required to submit an annual report to the Charities Regulator within 10 months of their respective financial year end. Annual Reports submitted to the Charities Regulator relate to a charity’s previous...
An analysis of the annual reports submitted by registered charities to the Charities Regulator over three consecutive years 2019 - 2021
A survey conducted by the Charities Regulator and Amárach Research to benchmark attitudes amongst the charity sector.
A survey conducted by the Charities Regulator and Amárach Research to benchmark attitudes amongst the charity sector.
Irish Attitudes towards the Charity Sector. A survey conducted by the Charities Regulator and Amarach Research to benchmark the attitudes of the Irish Public towards the charity sector.
Irish Attitudes towards the Charity Sector. A survey conducted by the Charities Regulator and Amarach Research to benchmark the attitudes of the Irish Public towards the charity sector.
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