Vacant Sites Register DCC

Published by: Dublin City Council
Category: Housing
Views: 337
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The Active Land Management Unit established Dublin City Council’s Vacant Sites Register on 1st January 2017 under the Urban Regeneration and Housing Act, 2015 (as amended) “the Act”. Under the Act each planning authority is required to maintain a ‘Vacant Sites Register’ which is a register of lands in its area consisting of both residential and regeneration land, which are vacant (and have been vacant for a minimum of 12 months preceding its entry on the register). The dataset includes Register No, Address of the Property, Folio Reference, Ownership, Owner address, Market Value, Date of Valuation and Date entered on the Register.

  1. Register No - This is the Vacant Site Reference Number assigned to the specific Site it will not change.

  2. Address of Property - This is the address of the Vacant Site.

  3. Folio Reference - This is the Folio reference of the site as referenced in Land Registry.

  4. Ownership - This is the name of the owner of the site and it may be subject to change following the sale of the site.

  5. Owner address - This is the address for the owner of the site and it may be subject to change following the sale of the site or change of address for the owner of the site.

  6. Market Value - A planning authority shall determine the market value as soon as may be after it is entered on the Register, and at least once every 3 years thereafter.

  7. Date of Valuation - This is the date that the market value was determined. It is subject to change if the market value of vacant sites is revised.

  8. Date entered on Register - This is the date that the site was entered on the Vacant Sites Register this will not change.

Note: Vacant Sites, when they become no longer vacant are removed from the Vacant Sites Register.

Data Resources (2)

Dublin City Council’s Active Land Management Unit established the Vacant Sites Register, under the Urban...
The Active Land Management Unit established Dublin City Council’s Vacant Sites Register on 1st January 2017 under...

Data Resource Preview - Vacant Sites Register DCC

Theme Housing
Date released 2023-09-05
Date updated 2023-09-19
Update frequency Irregular
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dublin City
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2017 - 2023