Tailte Éireann Valuation API

Category: Government
Views: 922
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The REST Web Services API provides a REST interface to retrieve Tailte Éireann Valuation data in real-time in relation to post-Revaluation Rating Authority areas. The post-Revaluation Rating Authority areas are Carlow, Cavan, Clare, Donegal, Dublin City Council, Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown, Fingal, Galway, Kerry, Kildare, Kilkenny, Laois, Leitrim, Limerick, Longford, Louth, Mayo, Meath, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, South Dublin County Council, Tipperary, Westmeath, Wexford, Wicklow, Waterford.

The REST Web Services API also provides a REST interface to retrieve limited Valuation data in real-time in relation to pre-Revaluation Rating Authority areas in Cork City and County. Due to its limited nature, Cork data queries do not return information for Category, Use, Validation Date, and Valuation Report.

The fields you can filter by are County/Local Authority, Category, Use, Area Per Floor, Floor Use, Address, Publication Date, NAV Total, Rateable Valuation, Level, Car Park, Property Number and X ITM & Y ITM. The data can be returned in CSV, JSON or GeoJSON. An API query URL can also be generated for reuse. The data provided might not hold detailed information on certain types of properties (e.g. Hotels, Pubs, Cinemas, Service Stations, Guesthouses…), due to the confidential nature of the associated information.

Tailte Éireann Valuation provides this API with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be complete and is subject to change. The API is a work in progress and will be expanded further. We welcome your feedback, please submit suggestions to opendata@tailte.ie

Data Resources (1)

Tailte Éireann Valuation API
Data Owner Email opendata@tailte.ie
Theme Government
Update frequency Continuous
Language English
Landing page https://www.tailte.ie/en/valuation/open-data/api/
Geographic coverage National
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM75 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29903)
Provenance information Tailte Éireann Valuation