The Open Data Portal aims to make Public Sector data available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. We welcome suggestions for publication of appropriate Public Sector datasets, which are not currently linked to the portal as Open Data. Let us know your ideas by using the form and we will pass them to the relevant public bodies for further consideration.
Suggested Datasets
Polling District shapefiles
OpenShapefiles (in KML format if possible) for each polling district within each of the constituencies for the next General Election, -
List of cultural and sporting events
OpenList of cultural and sporting events happening in Ireland i.e. : - Title - Description - Start and End Date - Location (venue, address, city) -
illegal landfill sites
OpenAs reported on a RTE there is a lot of illegal discovered through out ireland. They have either been reported or shut down. A report would have been created for every illegal... -
Toll Bridge(s) usage in Ireland
OpenIf possible, could you please provide a data-set that outlines all the vehicles (motorbikes/cars/buses/lorries) that have passed through the following toll bridges and the cost... -
JobBridge listings archive
OpenJobBridge had a listing of thousands of jobs that were offered to jobseekers. When JobBridge was closed, this data disappeared. It would be nice to see an archive of these... -
Capacity and attendance in Schools by geographic area, with school/class leve...
OpenThis data set will describe the total capacity of each school, assuming it is fully staffed broken down by class (1st class, 2nd class etc). It will also list what constitutes... -
Water consumption reports
OpenConsumption Reports from Irish Water. Reports covering the average consumptions of water per household