illegal landfill sites


As reported on a RTE there is a lot of illegal discovered through out ireland. They have either been reported or shut down. A report would have been created for every illegal site. Would it be possible to get a list with lat-long of the site, the general contents that was found and the code of the council that investigated the landfill site, estimated tonnage of waste reported, status of the landfill: e.g shutdown, being investigated, cleaned up.

Could it be a geojson format?

Additional Info

Creator Illegal Landfill sites
Online URL
Public Sector Body EPA
Potential Use

Public know if there is an illegal landfill nearby, property prices, knowns black spots for illegal landfills

Likes 158
Created 7 years ago
Closed Not closed yet
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Current Discussion

  • Sinead B (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    A spatial dataset containing this information would be very useful.

  • Krystyna Pycinska-Taylor (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    Referred to the EPA for consideration. Regards, Open Data Team, 19/07/18

  • Maura Higgins (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    Would love this, it would be very valuable

  • Maura Higgins (Unauthenticated user) (7 years ago)

    Would love this, it would be really valuable.