The Open Data Portal aims to make Public Sector data available and easily accessible online for reuse and redistribution. We welcome suggestions for publication of appropriate Public Sector datasets, which are not currently linked to the portal as Open Data. Let us know your ideas by using the form and we will pass them to the relevant public bodies for further consideration.
Suggested Datasets
Wild Atlantic Way Discovery Points Latitude And Longitude Locations
ClosedLatitude and longitude of each Discovery Point along the Wild Atlantic Way. -
Monthly mean temperature
ClosedMonthly mean temperature for VALENTIA OBSERVATORY, for BELMULLET and for DUNSANY From the beginning of measerements up to now... -
Road Traffic Data from Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s network of traffic...
OpenRoad Traffic Data (longitudinal) from Transport Infrastructure Ireland’s network of traffic count cameras as provided to Savills... -
fire safety certificate data
OpenWe would like to inquire how we could access your building and/or fire safety certificate database. We are interested in any hard data regarding Irish buildings. Our first... -
Mortgage returns (
OpenMortgage returns are filed by all lending agencies for properties whose purchase was partly funded by a mortgage. Irish mortgage lenders are required, under Section 13 of the... -
Realtime power generation figures for national grid
OpenCurrently Eirgrid publish summarised details about energy generation in graphical format via their smartgriddashboard site. Publishing information in a structured/unprocessed... -
SARS-CoV-2 test kits availability and use
OpenDataset describing current stock of the SARS-CoV-2 test kits made available to Healthcare providers in Ireland. Number of tests conducted at each of the facilities (temporal...