Missing Real-time Passenger Information (RTPI) for Local Services offered by Dublin Coach


Dublin Coach is operating the local bus lines 307 and 308 in Limerick, which connect the city centre with the university and surrounding neighbourhoods. While the local lines operated by Bus Éireann are part of the Real-time Passenger Information (RTPI) API, there is no way of getting real time information from the lines 307 and 308. This information would be very helpful to make an informed decision on which bus to catch.

Additional Info

Creator Fix Limerick Bus
Online URL
Public Sector Body National Transport Authority
Potential Use

Improved journey planning; Better public transport experience

Likes 3
Created 5 years ago
Closed 5 years ago
Open Data None
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Current Discussion

  • paulfitzpatrick (5 years ago)

    According to the NTA, they only currently provide real time information on public services operated by Dublin Bus, Bus Eireann, Irish Rail and Luas. It is the intention of the Authority to provide similar information on the services of commercial operators in due course, but no date has been determined for the introduction of this service.

    Open Data Team.