Road Opening Licences 2017 2023 FCC

Category: Transport
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This data set contains Road Opening License for Fingal County Council from 2017-2023 from January to December month by month. New years will be added under existing and updated quarterly.The new efficiency functionality with respect to automated granting of T3 licenses is operating well. Since 1st June 2022, the majority of T3 ROL applications have been granted by way of automation.Three Clerk of Works has been appointed to Swords/Balbriggan, Castleknock/Mulhuddart and Howth/Malahide areas to carryout improved post inspection of all road openings by utilities. The Licensing unit continues to process and manage the licensing system for the County, applications are allocated by area for examination and conditioning which includes reviews of the existing carriageway, footpaths, cycleways, and grass verges. Applicants submit temporary traffic management plans for review to ensure all works are carried out safely within the public domain. Road Opening Licenses are a cross functional process for the department and are essential for the asset management of Fingal County Council Road NetworkT1 Application: The T1 is not a license. It is notification of intent to perform works of high impact due to extent or complexity.T2 Applications: An application to carry out works of moderate impact due to the location, extent, amount, or duration of the work.T3 Applications: An application to carry out works of low impact due to the location, extent, amount, or duration of the work. A T3 license requires a short application period and does not require a works programme notification.T4 Applications: A notification of emergency works (as defined under legislation). Notification must occur at the time or as soon as possible after commencement and works must be carried out during a limited time period. Ongoing Projects.See a new Data set Road Opening Licenses 2024-2027_FCC

Data Resources (1)

ArcGIS Hub Dataset
Theme Transport
Date released 2024-01-31
Date updated 2024-01-31
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Fingal