Quarterly Fisheries Landings Statistics

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Resource: Quarterly Fisheries Landings Statistics

URL: https://www.sfpa.ie/Statistics/Annual-statistics/Quarterly-Statistics

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Data last updated 12 May 2022
Metadata last updated 12 May 2022
Created 12 May 2022
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License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
NotesQuarterly statistics on sea fisheries landings at Irish ports. Statistics include breakdown by species class (e.g. deepwater, demersal, pelagic, shellfish), species description (e.g. Atlantic Mackerel) and top 20 ports by value (e.g. Killybegs, Castletownbere). Statistics include weight of fish in tonnes and value of fish in Euro. Coverage of statistics is each year from 2001.
Package ide089fff8-e9ce-4f2e-9954-a33ed88ee649
Description Quarterly statistics on sea fisheries landings at Irish ports. Statistics include breakdown by species class (e.g. deepwater, demersal, pelagic, shellfish), species description (e.g. Atlantic Mackerel) and top 20 ports by value (e.g. Killybegs, Castletownbere). Statistics include weight of fish in tonnes and value of fish in Euro. Coverage of statistics is each year from 2001.
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