Quarterly Financial Accounts

Category: Government
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The Quarterly Financial Accounts (QFA) present a complete and consistent set of quarterly financial data for all sectors of the Irish economy. They provide comprehensive information on the financial and investment activities of households, non-financial corporations, financial corporations, government and the rest of the world. The whom-to-whom tables provide information on the interactions between these sectors. They show the financial-interlinkages of the economic sectors for a subset of financial instruments. For deposits, debt securities, listed shares and mutual fund shares and units the tables provide the perspective of a respective debtor sector vis-a-vis all resident creditor sectors and the Rest of the World. The tables show nominal and not-seasonal and calendar adjusted stock and transaction values on a quarterly basis.

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Resource: Quarterly Financial Accounts Whom-to-Whom...

URL: https://opendata.centralbank.ie/dataset/5f145975-d6c9-4fbc-9cb4-290c4f05b3b6/resource/8ce83ae8-d164-4c07-8ea1-53e9d96d642b/download/quarterly_financial_accounts_whom_to_whom_q1_2012_to_present.csv

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Data Dictionary

Column Type Label Description

Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 16 February 2024
Metadata last updated 16 November 2024
Created 6 December 2023
Format CSV
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Datastore activeTrue
NotesThe "whom-to-whom" tables show the financial-interlinkages of the economic sectors for a subset of financial instruments. For deposits, debt securities, listed shares and mutual fund shares and units the tables provide the perspective of a respective debtor sector vis-a-vis all resident creditor sectors and the Rest of the World. The tables show nominal and not-seasonal and calendar adjusted stock and transaction values on a quarterly basis.
Package id5f145975-d6c9-4fbc-9cb4-290c4f05b3b6
Preview rows44,000
Size26.8 MiB
Total record count44,000
Description The "whom-to-whom" tables show the financial-interlinkages of the economic sectors for a subset of financial instruments. For deposits, debt securities, listed shares and mutual fund shares and units the tables provide the perspective of a respective debtor sector vis-a-vis all resident creditor sectors and the Rest of the World. The tables show nominal and not-seasonal and calendar adjusted stock and transaction values on a quarterly basis.
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
Applicable Legislation
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