Principal and Secondary Ports around Ireland and Northern Ireland for Ocean Energy

Category: Transport
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The Irish Ports Offshore Renewable Energy Services (IPORES) report provides an extensive and updated summary of information on port infrastructure, facilities and management plans in relation to meeting requirements for marine renewable energy developers. In total, consultations and analysis are provided on 14 ports on the island. A number of ports in the Republic are identified as having the necessary facilities, infrastructure and hinterland that could support the development of the offshore renewable energy industry. We have consequently identified 3 ports as being Category A, 5 ports as Category B and 3 ports as Category C.

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Theme Transport
Date released 2012-12-31
Date updated 2016-05-17
Dataset conforms to these standards The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.
Rights notes ['Creative Commons data licence conditions apply', '', 'license']
Update frequency Other
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.5, 51.5],[-10.5, 55.5], [-5.5, 55.5], [-5.5, 51.5], [-10.5, 51.5]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
Vertical Extent {"verticalDomainName": "sea level", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "0"}
Provenance information In 2011 an assessment of the Irish ports and shipping requirements for the marine renewable energy industry was undertaken by RPS Consulting on behalf of the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI) and the Irish Maritime Development Office (IMDO). In January 2012, the IMDO undertook further consultation with the port authorities to address some concerns arising from this report and, importantly, to further develop a picture of areas where Ireland could achieve growth in the short to medium term.
Period of time covered (begin) 2011-01-01
Period of time covered (end) 2012-01-31