OPW Hydrometric Network Water Level Data Latest Reading

Category: Environment
Views: 2051
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Abstract: This data shows the latest readings available for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Also, it has the latest list of valid stations.

Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.

Data Resources (1)

OPW Hydrometric Network Water Level Latest Reading

Data Resource Preview - OPW Hydrometric Network Water Level Latest Reading

Data Owner Hydrometric Section
Data Owner Email waterlevel@opw.ie
Data Owner Telephone (+353) 46 942 2372
Theme Environment
Dataset conforms to these standards DCAT
Update frequency Continuously updated
Language English
Landing page http://waterlevel.ie/geojson/latest/
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type": "Polygon", "coordinates": [[[-5.5, 55.5], [-5.5, 51.5], [-10.5, 51.5], [-10.5, 55.5], [-5.5, 55.5]]]}
Geographic coverage National
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:4326)
Spatial Resolution(s) 100m
Provenance information This data is a subset of the water level data allowing quicker and easier access to the latest reading at every water level gauge on waterlevel.ie. Live data updated every 15 minutes
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers Live data updated every 15 minutes
High Value Dataset (HVD) Yes