pCO2 - CE17011 Fisheries Acoustic Survey - The Western European Shelf Pelagic Acoustic Survey (WESPAS) Leg 2

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
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pC02 is the partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas. In oceanography, it is used to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean in order to better understand changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced atmospheric CO2. The RV Celtic Explorer has a pCO2 Underway System. pC02 data was collected as part of the CE17011 exploiting and conserving deep-sea genetic resources survey on board the RV Celtic Explorer in July 2017. Collect pC02 data (partial pressure of CO2 in a liquid or gas) to investigate carbon dioxide (CO2) dissolved in the surface layers of the ocean which contributes towards our understand of changes in ocean carbon chemistry and ocean acidification due to enhanced atmospheric CO2.

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URL: https://erddap.marine.ie/erddap/tabledap/celtic_explorer_pc02.htmlTable?time%2Cyear%2Cmonth%2Cday%2Chour%2Cminute%2Csecond%2Cday_of_year%2Clongitude%2Clatitude%2Ctemperature_sea_surface%2Csalinity_sea_surface%2Cpressure_atmosphere%2Ctemperature_eqi%2Cpressure_eqi%2Cxco2%2Cpco2%2Cfco2%2Cxco2_atm_dry%2Cxco2_atm_dry_mean%2Cvessel_name%2Ccruise_id%2Craw_format&cruise_id=%2245CE20170704%22

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Data last updated 15 December 2022
Metadata last updated 15 December 2022
Created 15 December 2022
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