NQQ50 - Modified Total Domestic Demand and Components of Modified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation (chain linked annually and reference to 2019)

Category: Government
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Modified Total Domestic Demand and Components of Modified Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation (chain linked annually and reference to 2019)

Data Resources (4)

Modified Total Domestic Demand and Components of...
Modified Total Domestic Demand and Components of...
Modified Total Domestic Demand and Components of...
Modified Total Domestic Demand and Components of...
Data Owner Gordon Cavanagh
Data Owner Email nat_acc@cso.ie
Data Owner Telephone (+353) 1 498 4307
Theme Government
Date updated 2022-06-03
Language English
Landing page https://ws.cso.ie/public/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.ReadDataset/NQQ50/JSON-stat/2.0/en