National Monuments Service - Stone Circles

Category: Environment
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This is a point dataset showing the location of 255 Stone Circles in the Republic of Ireland generated from the Sites and Monuments Record (SMR). This dataset is updated on a regular basis by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland (ASI). Each record in this dataset can be accessed through the online Historic Environment Viewer at The current published dataset dates from April 2023.

New stone circles are updated to the record by the Archaeological Survey of Ireland as soon as possible after the notification of such discovery has been reported to the National Monuments Service (NMS) through their email at

Unlocated stone circles with a 0 0 National Grid Reference are monuments whose location has been lost and await rediscovery by local people who may report their findings to the National Monuments Service at the above email address. The KMZ file can be opened using Google Earth which displays these ‘lost’ monuments at the same location in the Atlantic Ocean. The dataset contains a list of the following fields, county location, monument number known as the SMR Number, Class Description which is the classification type of the monument, townland, ITM E and ITM N are the Easting and Northern Irish Grid reference in Irish Transverse Mercator format, the latitude and longitude of the monument location. The final Links table includes a hyperlink or internet address which takes the browser directly to the online entry for each monument hosted on the Historic Environment Viewer of the National Monuments website at This dataset is based on information exported from the national database on the 20/04/2023.

This data has been released for download as Open Data under the DPER Open Data Strategy and is licensed for re-use under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International licence.

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Resource: ESRI rest service of NMS - Stone Circles


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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 10 March 2025
Metadata last updated 10 March 2025
Created 10 March 2025
Format rest service
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
Package id06654f54-9902-4022-8443-432adc4e418c
Resource locator protocolrest service
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource No
Applicable Legislation
    API response formats
      API type
      API access url