NAH04 - T04 GVA at Constant Factor Cost (excluding FISIM) by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to 2009)

Category: Government
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T04 GVA at Constant Factor Cost (excluding FISIM) by Sector of Origin and Gross National Income at Constant Market Prices (chain linked annually and referenced to 2009)

Data Resources (4)

T04 GVA at Constant Factor Cost (excluding FISIM) by...
T04 GVA at Constant Factor Cost (excluding FISIM) by...
T04 GVA at Constant Factor Cost (excluding FISIM) by...
T04 GVA at Constant Factor Cost (excluding FISIM) by...
Data Owner Gordon Cavanagh
Data Owner Email
Data Owner Telephone (+353) 1 498 4307
Theme Government
Date updated 2023-11-03
Language English
Landing page
High Value Dataset (HVD) No