Marine Basins

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
Views: 6
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This Feature Class layer of "Basins" in the Irish Continental Shelf (ie. AKA Irish EEZ) represents the geographic boundary of the designated "basins". This layer consists of 5 designated basins and has been sourced from the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of Communications, Marine & Natural Resources. A Basin represents a large submarine depression of a generally circular, elliptical or oval shape and by depression we mean any depressed or lower area in the ocean floor.

Data Resources (1)

available as arcsde connection
Theme Environment
Date updated 2010-11-22
Rights notes {"There are no known restrictions with this dataset.","no limitations"}
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-21.54237, 48.509543],[-21.54237, 57.610128], [-4.98405, 57.610128], [-4.98405, 48.509543], [-21.54237, 48.509543]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) WGS 84 (EPSG:3857)
Provenance information This dataset dates back to mapping work produced in 2002 and the boundaries are defined under UN law.
High Value Dataset (HVD) No