
Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
Views: 1027
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This feature class shows the location of Lighthouses around Ireland. The Commissioners for Irish Lights are responsible for the superintendence and management of all aids to marine navigation around the coast of Ireland and its adjacent waters. There are 80 lighthouses around the coast of Ireland. They were originally built to aid ships travelling on dangerous waters, and are still used today by mariners to determine position and safe courses. All the lighthouses are now automated, the Bailey in Co. Dublin being the last to be manned until 1997.

Data Resources (1)

available as arcsde connection
Theme Environment
Date updated 2010-10-01
Rights notes {"Seek permissions","Seek permissions",otherRestrictions}
Language English
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.880134, 51.370962],[-10.880134, 55.433437], [-5.458441, 55.433437], [-5.458441, 51.370962], [-10.880134, 51.370962]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM65 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29902)
Provenance information Records of lighthouses were extracted from tabular data provided in Excel format. The results were saved into DBF format.The DBF table with geographic coordinates was imported into ArcMap and added as an Event theme. Event theme exported as Shapefile in Geographical Coordinates (WGS 84).The dataset was reprojected to Irish National Grid with the only purpose of displaying it in MIDA. In the DBF table, we added a link to the website of the Commisioners of the Irish lights and John Eagle's lighthouse pictures.