Licensed Aquaculture and Fishery Order Sites

Category: Housing
Views: 52
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Data provided by the Marine Institute, and may also incorporate data from other agencies and bodies.The NMPF, together with the National Strategic Plan for Sustainable Aquaculture Development and existing licensing and regulatory controls, aims to achieve the sustainable growth of the industry while minimising and mitigating environmental impacts. Measures include: according to requirements of the Environmental Impact Assessment Directive and the Birds and Habitats Directives; accounting for potential impacts for Good Environmental Status descriptors of the Marine Strategy Framework Directive; considering wider biodiversity interests, heritage assets, seascape, landscape, and visual impacts; best industry management practices in relation to sea lice controls, disease management, prevention of escapes, and avoiding the introduction of non-native species; ensuring that appropriate siting, scaling, phasing and design of farms minimises impacts on ecosystems, protected sites, and protected species.

Data Resources (6)

ArcGIS Hub Dataset
ArcGIS GeoService

Data Resource Preview - GeoJSON

Data Owner M_Roche
Data Owner Telephone -
Theme Housing
Date released 2021-07-28
Date updated 2022-07-07
Language English
Landing page