IH348 - Persons aged 15 years and over by number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem

Category: Health
Views: 2
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Persons aged 15 years and over by number of persons they are close enough to that they could count on, if they had a serious problem

Data Resources (4)

Persons aged 15 years and over by number of persons they...
Persons aged 15 years and over by number of persons they...
Persons aged 15 years and over by number of persons they...
Persons aged 15 years and over by number of persons they...
Data Owner Keith McSweeney
Data Owner Email health@cso.ie
Data Owner Telephone (+353) 21 453 5423
Theme Health
Date updated 2020-12-16
Language English
Landing page https://ws.cso.ie/public/api.restful/PxStat.Data.Cube_API.ReadDataset/IH348/JSON-stat/2.0/en