TABLE A 1.3: HIPE Report: TABLE A 1.3 Day Patient Activity for discharges aged 0–16 years (N, %) ,2015

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Presents a summary of day patient activity aged 0–16 years reported to HIPE. Activity in Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland Annual Report, 2015, is a report on in-patient and day patient discharges from acute public hospitals participating in the Hospital In-Patient Enquiry (HIPE) scheme in 2015. Discharge activity is examined by type of patient (day patient/in-patient), admission type (elective/emergency/maternity) and hospital group, and by demographic parameters (such as age and sex). Particular issues of relevance to the Irish health care system covered in the report relate to the composition of discharges by medical card and public/private status. Discharges are also analysed by diagnoses, procedures, major diagnostic categories, and diagnosis related groups. The analysis is presented at the national level. In 2015 HIPE discharges were coded using ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS 8th Edition and grouped into AR-DRG Version 6.0. See the complete Activity in Acute Public Hospitals in Ireland Annual Report 2015 at

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Data Resource Preview - TABLE A 1.3 Day Patient Activity for discharges aged 0–16 years (N, %) ,2015

Data Owner Healthcare Pricing Office
Data Owner Email
Data Owner Telephone -
Theme Health
Date released 2017-05-31
Dataset conforms to these standards ICD-10-AM/ACHI/ACS; AR-DRG
Update frequency Annual
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage National, acute public hospitals
Period of time covered (begin) 2015-01-01
Period of time covered (end) 2015-12-31