Groundwater Wells and Springs Ireland (ROI) ITM

Category: Science
Views: 85
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This database contains records of boreholes, dug wells, springs, and site investigations. Data are derived from GSI drilling, fieldwork and surveys, Local Authorities and other state bodies, Private Well Grants, Drillers, Consultants, Group Water Schemes and Academia. It is NOT a comprehensive database, and the locations of records have different precisions depending on the source data.

APPLICATION OF DATA: Although we try to ensure the information is as reliable as possible, the GSI takes no responsibility for the accuracy of the data. It is important to note that it is NOT a comprehensive database and is not a comprehensive list of all the wells in any one area.

Due attention must be paid to the location accuracy given with each well record, which ranges from 10m to more than 1km (townland accuracy).

Digital files are updated periodically and users are responsible for obtaining the latest version of the data.

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Format SHP
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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