GDA Cycle Network Survey 2013

Category: Transport
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Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Survey 2013. In 2013, the NTA published the Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan, consisting of the Urban Network, Inter-Urban Network and Green Route Network for each of the seven Local Authority areas comprising the Greater Dublin Area (GDA):

Dublin City Council (DCC) South Dublin County Council (SDCC) Dun Laoghaire Rathdown County Council (DLRCC) Fingal County Council (FCC) Meath County Council (MCC) Kildare County Council (KCC) Wicklow County Council (WCC) The Cycle Network Plan identified the following cycle networks within the GDA:

The Urban Cycle Network at the Primary, Secondary and Feeder level; The Inter-Urban Cycle Network, linking the relevant sections of the Urban Network and including the elements of the National Cycle Network within the GDA. The Inter-Urban Network also includes linkages to key transport locations outside of urban areas such as airports and ports; and The Green Route Network that are cycle routes developed predominately for tourist, recreational and leisure purposes. Unlike other area-based plans prepared previously by Local Authorities, the Cycle Network Plan is consistent across county boundaries such that there is continuity of route networks across administrative boundaries. The combination of the seven Cycle Network Plans for the seven Local Authority areas is referred to as the GDA Cycle Network.

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Data Resources (1)

Cycle Network Survey 2013

Data Resource Preview - Cycle Network Survey 2013

Theme Transport
Date released 2016-04-15
Date updated 2022-01-13
Update frequency Irregular
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage Dublin City
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2013/1/1 - 2013/12/31