Courts Service Annual Report 2023

Published by: The Courts Service
Category: Justice
Views: 151
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The Courts Service has released its 2023 Annual Report, highlighting a busy year marked by significant progress in modernising court systems, reducing case backlogs, and improving the efficiency of justice administration. With new judges appointed and modernisation programs in place, the report reflects a commitment to improving court services and access to justice.

Key Highlights:

  • 24 New Judges Appointed: Following the recommendations of the Judicial Planning Working Group, 24 judges were appointed, reducing backlogs and waiting times, and supporting new initiatives like the Planning and Environment Court.

Criminal Cases:

  • 367,000 new criminal matters were presented to the courts, and 338,000 cases were finalized.
  • The Central Criminal Court increased case finalizations by 10%, while the Circuit Court saw a 5% rise.
  • Serious crime offences dropped from 21,024 in 2022 to 19,569 in 2023, and more serious offenses were finalized compared to the previous year.

District Court:

  • Despite a slight decrease in incoming cases, 338,392 cases were disposed of, up from 308,315 in 2022.
  • Public order and assault cases decreased by 9% year-on-year, while drug offences saw a 10.5% reduction over five years.

Civil Cases:

  • Civil cases saw a notable increase, with nearly 180,000 new cases, up from 170,000 in 2022.
  • High Court cases rose by 8%, with new IT systems launched in 2023 aimed at improving case management and service quality.
  • Personal injury cases dropped significantly, with 39% fewer new cases compared to 2019.

Family Law:

  • Domestic violence applications rose to 25,570, a 25% increase over five years.
  • Applications for Supervision and Care Orders concerning children reached 17,583, up from 14,985 in 2022.

Appellate Courts:

  • The Supreme Court saw a 10% rise in applications for leave to appeal, while the Court of Appeal finalized more civil and criminal cases than the number of new appeals lodged.

Data Resources (3)


Data Resource Preview -

Data Owner Courts Service
Data Owner Email
Theme Justice
Date released 2024-09-23
Update frequency Never
Language English
Period of time covered (begin) 2023-01-01
Period of time covered (end) 2023-12-31
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers 2023