Corine Landcover Change 1990 - 2000

Category: Environment
Views: 68
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This is polygon geometry of the Corine Land Cover Changes larger than 5 hectares between 1990 and 2000. It is based on EU devised Corine (Coordination of Information on the Environment) specifications.

Data Resources (3)

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Data Resource Preview - WMS GetMap

Theme Environment
Date released 2003-10-01
Date updated 2023-01-26
Dataset conforms to these standards The INSPIRE Directive or INSPIRE lays down a general framework for a Spatial Data Infrastructure (SDI) for the purposes of European Community environmental policies and policies or activities which may have an impact on the environment.
Rights notes {"no limitations",,license}
Update frequency Other
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage in GeoJSON format {"type":"Polygon","coordinates":[[[-10.47472, 51.44555],[-10.47472, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 55.37999], [-6.01306, 51.44555], [-10.47472, 51.44555]]]}
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) TM65 / Irish Grid (EPSG:29902)
Vertical Extent {"verticalDomainName": "EPSG Projection 5731 - Malin Head height", "minVerticalExtent": "0", "maxVerticalExtent": "1014"}
Provenance information The Corine Land Cover inventory is based on satellite images as the primary information source. Landsat TM satellite imagery used for CLC00_IE. Since the production of the CLC1990 for Ireland, it became apparent that there were some errors; both with the geometric accuracy of the images, but more importantly with the classification of certain land cover classes. A new CLC90rev_IE database was created. This was used as the baseline for the interpretation of land cover changes of areas larger than 5 hectares. Change polygons were then recoded to represent the land cover status of the given polygon as interpreted from the 2000 imagery. During the delineation of changes linear features smaller than 100m wide are not considered and generalised.
Period of time covered (begin) 2003-10-01
Period of time covered (end) 2003-10-01