Coillte Biodiversity Areas

Published by: Coillte
Licensed under: Licence Not Specified
Category: Agriculture
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The full name of this spatial dataset is Biodiversity Areas (BioClass). The dataset is designed, owned and managed by Coillte.

Biodiversity areas are Coillte sites managed primarily for nature. Coillte first began mapping biodiversity areas on its estate in 2001, when freelance ecologists began to identify sites of ecological value on the Coillte estate, using Coillte's inventory information and the local knowledge of forest managers. The biodiversity areas were first mapped on Coillte inventory maps, which were the 3rd Editions of the Ordnance Survey maps, scale 6":1 mile. After the field work was completed, the maps were digitised. Subsequently, the maps were transferred to ITM projection.

In 2017/2018, Coillte's biodiversity areas were reclassified using a procedure called BioClass, which summarises key features of ecological interest and provides a high-level estimate of what habitats may develop, but this can change significantly over time.

BioClass rank is based on an assessment of defined ecological parameters, which achieve consistency in how habitats on Coillte sites are assessed. Other attributes in the dataset are more subjective, e.g. Target Habitat. The BioClass data is a summary of ecological information designed to inform forest managers at a high level about the location, type and overall significance of habitats on the Coillte estate. It should not be interpreted as a detailed guide for site managers.

Coillte’s biodiversity areas vary widely in terms of their ecological value and management requirements. Some biodiversity areas contain habitats of high nature conservation value that are in excellent condition, while others show potential to develop into valuable habitats over time

The maps and data on Coillte’s biodiversity areas are updated over time. Currently, Coillte is working to increase the area of the estate managed from nature from the current 20% to 30%. The new biodiversity areas are to be mapped by the end of 2025.


Coillte. (2020). BioClass: Our approach to biodiversity. Coillte CGA, Newtownmountkennedy. Add link on website

Smith, G.S., O'Sullivan, A. & Fuller, J. (in prep.). The BioClass system: an evidence-based methodology for assessing and conserving biodiversity in forest management.

VERSION NO: 1.0 ISSUE DATE: 25/04/24

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Additional Information

Field Value
Data last updated 25 November 2024
Metadata last updated 25 November 2024
Created 25 November 2024
License Licence Not Specified
NotesCoillte’s interactive web map viewer displays Coillte datasets such as areas where proposed felling activity is scheduled to take place during 2021-2025, as outlined in its plans. A snapshot of Coillte Property boundaries, Forest Inventory data along with other datasets is available here also. Please note this data is a snapshot and will change as various forest operations occur.
Package idbfb2a6ad-31f6-4569-9a97-e46fcbad0d18
Description Coillte’s interactive web map viewer displays Coillte datasets such as areas where proposed felling activity is scheduled to take place during 2021-2025, as outlined in its plans. A snapshot of Coillte Property boundaries, Forest Inventory data along with other datasets is available here also. Please note this data is a snapshot and will change as various forest operations occur.
High Value Dataset (HVD) Resource
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