CE15011 ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland videos exported at 720 resolution.

Published by: Marine Institute
Category: Environment
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This dataset contains 23 video files exported at full HD 720 resolution for underwater video transects collected with ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle) Holland onboard RV Celtic Explorer during CE15011 research cruise between 15-26 July 2015. A problem with navigation was encountered during one of the dives, hence, corresponding shapefile shows the location for 22 dive tracks. The attribute table of the corresponding shapefile contains links to video footage for each of the ROV dives, which can be viewed on YouTube. Cruise report provides additional information about the collected data (EUROFLEETS2 Cruise Summary Report. MAPPING THE DEEP: THE APPLICATION OF PREDICTIVELY MODELLED MAPS TO EUROPEAN SPATIAL PLANNING.RV Celtic Explorer, Cruise No. CE15011. Authors: KERRY HOWELL, ANTHONY GREHAN, NILS PIECHAUD, REBECCA ROSS, ALLAN GRASSIE, GRACE ENGLISH, MUIREANN MACCARTHY AND ROSS BRERETON): http://data.marine.ie/data/IrelandsSeabedCatalogue/CE15011/CE15011_EUROFLEETS_cruise report.pdf This underwater video data was collected in order to contribute to the following study: MAPPING THE DEEP: THE APPLICATION OF PREDICTIVELY MODELLED MAPS TO EUROPEAN SPATIAL PLANNING.

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Resource: MPEG

URL: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLGxVmEeiu2EALc_ewfia-teaLW-tXYpJW

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Format www:download-1.0-http--download
License Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
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