Cases (2016 onwards) received or decided by An Bord Pleanála on or after 1st January 2016.

Published by: An Bord Pleanála
Category: Housing
Views: 782
Openness rating:

This dataset contains Cases received or decided by An Bord Pleanála on or after 1st January 2016. An Bord Pleanála provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct, or complete. An Bord Pleanála accepts no liability for any loss or damage suffered by those using this data for any purpose. Not all cases are included in this dataset. Typically invalid and withdrawn cases are not mapped. While cases are added to this dataset as soon as possible there may be some cases not included. Please refer to the An Bord Pleanála website to access an up to date list of cases with An Bord Pleanála .

Data Resources (1)

Cases (2016 onwards) received or decided by An Bord...

Data Resource Preview - Cases (2016 onwards) received or decided by An Bord Pleanála on or after 1st January 2016.

Data Owner Jane Gilvarry
Data Owner Email
Data Owner Telephone (01) 8737121
Theme Housing
Date released 2023-03-15
Update frequency Weekly
Language English
Landing page
Geographic coverage National
Spatial Reference Systems (SRS) Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM, EPSG:2157)
OR: specify what period of time the dataset covers Cases received or decided by An Bord Pleanála on or after 1st January 2016.