The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new WFD lake catchment layer was created in 2022. New lake catchments were delineated for every WFD lake from the...
The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface waters and groundwaters. A new lake catchment layer of unnested WFD lake catchments was delineated in 2022. For every WFD lake water body, an...
River Catchment boundaries in all of the island of Ireland
This dataset shows major basins amalgamated from a digitised version of a 1958 OSI Basins map.
EnvironmentRiver Basins of the Republic of Ireland, created for Article 3 Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
EnvironmentRiver SubCatchment boundaries in the Republic of Ireland. This dataset contains subdivisions of the River basin (1958 catchments).
These points are locations for ‘Stories’ on Catchments.ie - Catchments.ie is trying to make complicated science and policy relevant to the general public, and using “Stories” specific to local locations is one way this is being done.