Location of Garda Station within Fingal County Council Contact information, Eircode, Address, Opening Hours, Division, Division HQ, District and email address and Longitude and Latitude
This contains the details of the number of requests received by the staff in Estate Management Team of the Housing Division of Fingal County Council . These are the number of call in relation to Repairs of the Council Housing Stock. 2018-2024 inclusive. This can be (1)...
This data set contains the Location of Arts Center's known to Fingal County Council. Includes Theatres/Local Theatres and Arts Centre's, with email address and Eircode and Latitude and Longitude
This data set shows the shows the details of then number of paying Visitors to Newbridge Farm and booked rooms for parties, special occasions and it includes payed house tour visitors. Newbridge House is a Georgian Villa built to the design of James Gibbs in 1747 for the...
Location of Citizens Information Centre's with location, address, and contact information
Location of Fire Stations with contact information in Fingal with location, address, Eircode and contact information. Also including Meath County Council, Dublin City and Kildare fire stations
Community Centers within Fingal County Council on an interactive map
Education and SportLocation of Tourist Offices within Fingal County Council
Official Halting Sites within Fingal County Council with number of bays and houses in the official sites.
This dataset provides annual updates on Fire Station in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Station ID, Station Name, Address1, Address2, Address3, Address4 , Address5, Latitude & Longitude, Email, Phone, Website.
This dataset provides annual updates on Community Centres in Dublin region; encompassing columns such as Tile, Description, Address1 and Address2, NACE Code, Latitude & Longitude, DccAreaNew, CensusSmallArea, Electoral Division. The dataset was counted as part of the...