Location of Cork City Garda Stations
Location of River Lee Bridges in Cork City
Cork City Walks
This dataset contains information on the location of protected structures in Cork City Council, as identified in the Cork City Council Development Plan 2022-2028. The data is used to inform planning policy, protect scenic routes and to guide appropriate development.
Location of parks within Cork City Council. Published October 2021.
There are 37 Recycling Bring Bank Locations in Cork City where glass, aluminum cans and textiles can be recycled free of charge. Cork City Council provides this information with the understanding that it is not guaranteed to be accurate, correct or complete. Cork City Council...
Civic Amenity Site location in Cork City. Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2020, Update Frequency: As Required.
Cork City Library
Local Electoral Area (LEA) boundaries for Cork City Council administrative area. Local Electoral Areas dataset generated from the ungeneralised 2019 OSi National Statutory Boundary dataset.
Cork City Local Authority Boundary
Locations of Wifi areas in Cork City
2007 Council Minutes
2008 Council Minutes
Location of Fire Stations with contact information. Dataset Publisher: Cork City Council, Dataset language: English, Spatial Projection: Web Mercator, Date of Creation: 2019
2010 Council Minutes
2006 Council Minutes
Derelict Site Register Cork City Council
This data contains information on the polling districts in Kildare. The polling district data is developed from the information set out in the Kildare Polling Scheme. Polling districts do not always include an entire townland. Polling districts can be comprised of more than...
This data contains information on the location of administrative and community buildings owned / operated by Kildare County Council. The data was created using GeoDirectory data and KCC data. The data includes Kildare County Council administrative buildings, community centres...
This dataset indicates the location of Enterprise Centres / Industrial Estates (8 No.) located across county Kildare. It also indicates the location of the new 'Mid Eastern Region Innovation Think Space' (MERITS) Enterprise Hub. (The hub is still under construction - Q1 2020)...