Education and SportAnnual Report 2023 English and Gaeilge versions.
Education and SportRoutine reporting arising from the SNA review process
Tidal and Storm Surge Forecast Service Forecast Location Points for Periods 4-9HIGH VALUEOffice of Public WorksSocietyAbstract: This dataset provides the co-ordinate points of the forecast location points for Periods 4 - 9 of the Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland. The coordinates are provided in the Irish Transverse Mercator (ITM) coordinate reference system....
Tidal and Storm Surge Forecast Service Forecast Location Points for Period 10HIGH VALUEOffice of Public WorksSocietyAbstract: This dataset provides the coordinate points of the 60 forecast location points for Period 10 of the Tidal and Storm Surge Forecasting Service for the Coast of Ireland. The coordinates are provided in the following coordinate reference systems ; Irish Grid (ING);...
TownsVillage Renewal Masterplan, AA Screening, SEA Screening, AA Screening Determination
National Treasury Management Agency Freedom of Information Request Disclosure LogHIGH VALUENational Treasury Management AgencyGovernmentA list of non personal Freedom of Information Requests processed in a Quarter 1 2024 by the National Treasury Management Agency
The Courts Service has released its 2023 Annual Report, highlighting a busy year marked by significant progress in modernising court systems, reducing case backlogs, and improving the efficiency of justice administration. With new judges appointed and modernisation programs in...
SocietyStatistical report based on charitable financial data from 2022 relating to charitable bequests.
Guide to Rejuvenation of Monasterevin
Reports and documents in relation to Castledermot Small Town Renewal Masterplan
Town Renewal Masterplan Documents in relation to Robertstown Town Renewal Masterplan 2020
A guide to the rejuvenation of Athgarvan
Leixlip Town Renewal Masterplan. A blueprint to guide the rejuvenation of Leixlip.
Advertisement, maps and designs in relation to Kilcock Town Identity
Conservation Architect's Report Ballitore Tanyard
Advertisements, maps and drawings in relation to the Prosperous Town Identity Project
Deer Hunting Licences Issued by County 2023-2024 and Deer Shot 22/23HIGH VALUEDepartment of Housing, Local Government, and HeritageHousingDeer Hunting Licences Issued by County 2023-2024 and Deer Shot 22/23
S42 Licences issued (Deer) and Returns for 2023 (Male and Female)HousingS42 Licences issued (Deer) and Returns for 2023 (Male and Female)
This dataset contains data from the 2017 Courts Service Annual Report. This should be read in conjunction with the relevant published reports from our website. 16% increase in new appeals cases in the Supreme Court 23% increase in the High Court Commercial List from 2016. 84%...
This dataset contains data from the 2018 Courts Service Annual Report. This should be read in conjunction with the relevant published reports from our website. 5% increase in the number of matters dealt with. 27% increase in the throughput of criminal cases in the Circuit...