The Planning & Development Act 2000 (Part II, Section 10) places an obligation on all Local Authorities to include in its Development Plan objectives for the protection of structures, or parts of structures, which are of special architectural, historical, archaeological,...
These areas are created in legally under Section 10(2)(g) of the Planning and Development Act 2000 - 2010. This allows for groups of buildings, streets, villages, small towns and larger areas to be designated as Architectural Conservation Areas. Other ACA's may be added over...
EnvironmentThis dataset contains the locational data for the Record of Protected Structures (RPS) for Dun Laoghaire Rathdown. It forms part of the Development Plan. Each development plan must include policy objectives to protect structures or parts of structures of special interest and...
This Dataset contains the locations of the RPS for Dublin City Council administrative area as contained in the 2005-2011 Development plan
EnvironmentThe OSPAR Convention is the current legal instrument guiding international cooperation on the protection of the marine environment of the North-East Atlantic. Work under the Convention is managed by the OSPAR Commission, made up of representatives of the Governments of 15...
The Planning and Development Act 2000 sets out the legal framework and procedures to make a tree preservation order (TPO).
This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the Architectural Conservation Areas in -Kerry County Council. This forms part of the Development Plan. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of...
A protected structure is a structure or part of a structure that a planning authority considers to be of special interest from an architectural, historical, archaeological, artistic, cultural, scientific social or technical point of view. Given the rich built heritage of...
EnvironmentThis Feature Class layer of "Basins" in the Irish Continental Shelf (ie. AKA Irish EEZ) represents the geographic boundary of the designated "basins". This layer consists of 5 designated basins and has been sourced from the Petroleum Affairs Division of the Department of...
The tree preservation order is one of only two legal mechanisms in place for the protection of trees, the other being a Felling Licence established under the 1946 Forestry Act. Trees that are subject to a preservation order cannot be felled unless the owner applies for...
This dataset represents the location of all buildings classified as protected structures in County Kerry
This Dataset contains the locations of trees to be preserved within the Dublin City Council administrative area
Laois County Council Speed Limits consists of the speed limits as adopted by Laois County Council created under powers conferred by Section 9 of the Road Traffic Act 2004.
Survey conducted by Lott architectural consultants during 2007 of of a representative sample (147) of the traditional houses of rural Co. Wicklow. This is a point-based dataset, with associated attributes documents and photographs
Landscape Survey of Great and Little Sugar Loaf Mountains carried out in 2010 by Atkins. Dataset includes survey information on the landscape character, ecology (mapped to Fossit level III and Habitats directive Annex1), geology, archaeology and built heritage of area with...
The Views and Prospects dataset is defined within the County Development Plan for Limerick County under Section 10(2)(e) of the Planning and Development Acts 2000- 2010. It was originally created in 2004 and was reviewed for the current plan. The dataset consists of line data...
This dataset contains polygon data showing the location of the Architectural Conservation Areas in -name of council area-. This forms part of the Development Plan. An architectural conservation area (ACA) is a place, area, group of structures or townscape, taking account of...
The Areas of High Scenic Quality (AHSQ), whilst not quite possessing the exceptional natural beauty and landscape quality of the AONB, nevertheless add significantly to the stock of natural scenic landscapes within the county.
This Dataset contains the ACA locations as set out in the 2005-2011 Development Plan
EnvironmentLaois County Council Bridges dataset consists of the bridges recorded and surveyed by the Road Section. It also includes bridges on National Routes with the location recorded as Easting, Northing.