Urban Waste Water Treatment Area Boundaries for areas with a population equivalent of more than 500.GovernmentThis shows the urban areas with a population equivalent of more than 500 served by a sewage collection system. The boundaries shown in the map are based on the maps provided by the licensee in the EPA's Waste Water Discharge Licence Applications. Further information about each...
Indicative Soil Bulk Density mapping based on Irish Soils Information SystemEnvironmentBulk density (BD) reflects the soil?s ability to function for structural support, water and solute movement, and soil aeration and also allows concentration data of elements to be presented on a mass and/or volume basis. It is used to express soil physical, chemical and...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
WFD Register of Protected Areas - River Waterbodies for Drinking WaterHealthThese are the drinking water river lines delineated in accordance with European Communities (Drinking Water) (No. 2) Regulations 2007 (SI no. 278/2007).
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows the direction of river flow realted to the EPA/OSi river network dataset.
This is a polygon dataset of the strategic noise mapping of airports, in the form of noise contours for the Lden (day) and Lnight (night) periods for Dublin and Cork agglomerations airports. The Db Value represents the average decibel value during the day time.
EnvironmentRiver Basins of the Republic of Ireland, created for Article 3 Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC).
EnvironmentSolid waste heaps of differing substances such as stockpiles of low grade ore.
Point locations of seepages and discharges found at mine sites.
Urban Waste Water Agglomerations causing a key pollution pressure on rivers or lakesGovernmentThis shows the urban areas where waste water discharges were identified as the sole pollution pressure on water bodies at risk of not achieving good status. You can get more information on the status of local water bodies, and the environmental pressures which may be causing...
This is a points dataset of licensed and licensable Section 4 discharges to water to support the characterisation of waterbodies for the 3rd Cycle of River Basin Management Planning and beyond. These sites were collected by EPA, in conjunction with the Local Authorities, in...
Register of Protected Areas - Lake Water Bodies in Bathing LocationsEnvironmentWFD Lake Water Bodies interesting with Designated Bathing Waters under S.I. No. 79/2008 and S.I. No. 351/2011 Bathing Water Quality (Amendment) Regulations 2011 and all relevant previous Statutory Instruments.
Industrial Emissions (IE) and Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) FacilitiesEnvironmentThis is a point dataset of emission site facility locations. These include Industrial Emissions (IE), Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and Integrated Pollution Prevention Control (IPPC) EPA licenced facilities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the competent...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
This layer represents the risk for each waterbody of failing to meet their Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives by 2027. The risk of not meeting WFD objectives was determined by assessment of monitoring data, data on the pressures and data on the measures that have been...
EnvironmentMax concentrations in 2014 for Faecal Coliform (per 100ml) in samples from monitoring locations on the Irish Environmental Protection Agency Water Framework Directive (WFD) Groundwater Monitoring Network.
Water Management Units delineated for Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC)
Corine Land Cover 2006 Revised is a revised map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images. It is based on EU devised Corine (Coordination of Information on the Environment) specifications.
This dataset contains the overall interim coastal waterbody status results, monitored as part of the EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) objectives to achieve or maintain at least good ecological status and good chemical status by 2015.