TransportSmall Public Service Vehicles
TransportBicycle sharing scheme data
TransportPassenger Journeys by Public Transport
TransportAge profile of small public service vehicle fleet
TransportSmall public service vehicles by type
TOA04 - Small public service vehicles by type and county of licensingHIGH VALUENational Transport AuthorityTransportSmall public service vehicles by type and county of licensing
TransportSmall Public Service Vehicles
TransportSmall public service vehicles by type and manufacturer
TransportThis data set shows where protected cycle facilities exist in Dublin Metropolitan Area on both sides of the road. It included segregated Cycle Tracks, Protected Cycle Lanes, signed Quietways on low speed and low trafficked streets, and vehicular traffic free links and Urban...
This National Public Transport Access Nodes (NaPTAN) dataset contains detailed information of all public bus stops in the Republic of Ireland. NaPTAN can be used to provide consistent and reliable data for facilities such as online journey planners and other transport related...
This dataset contains cycle infrastructure in the Greater Dublin Area (GDA). Data stems from work undertaken on behalf of the NTA to: re-categorise the 2013 street survey with infrastructure types: segregated cycle track, bus lane with cycle lane, etc. include links...
Cycle lanes planned in the Greater Dublin area over the next 5 years (April 2021)
This dataset provides detailed information relating to bus stops used by companies who operate under the aegis of the National Transport Authority (NTA). Data relating to poles, shelters and Real Time Passenger Information (RTPI) signage are provided. The dataset consists of...
TransportPassenger Journeys by Public Transport
These public transport operators' GTFS files are updated every time a service timetable is changed. If there was a previous version it will be over written. The validity period for each operator's Schedule is declared in the appropriate manner within in the individual GTFS...