The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface water and groundwater. All Groundwater Waterbodies (GWB) are represented as polygons. They are validated by scientists in the Geological Survey...
The exclusive economic zone of the State is the area beyond and adjacent to the territorial seas subject to the specific legal regime established in Part V of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, done at Montego Bay on 10 December 1982, the text of which, in...
Register of Protected Areas - SAC Conservation Objective Habitat River WaterbodiesEnvironmentWFD River Water Bodies intersecting with Designated Special Areas of Conservation Conservation Objective Habitats under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) - Council Directive 92/43/EE of 21st May 1992.
This file contains original variables from the CSO regarding Persons Aged Under 25 years who are signing on the Live Register in 124 Social Welfare Offices in the Republic of Ireland. Data is available on a monthly basis from February 2008 to June 2014.
Corine Land Cover 2000 Revised is a revised map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images. It is based on EU devised Corine (Coordination of Information on the Environment) specifications.
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
Significant pressures have been identified for waterbodies that are At Risk of not meeting their water quality objectives under the Water Framework Directive. While there are a multitude of pressures in every waterbody, the significant pressures are those pressures which need...
EMEP (The European Monitoring and Evaluation Programme) Air Quality monitoring sitesEnvironmentThis is a dataset of the locations of all currently and previously active EMEP air quality monitoring sites.
These nutrient sensitive areas are those waterbodies listed in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010. The waterbody containing the sensitive area is used to...
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map - Ecosystem Service Stock Map: Soil CarbonEnvironmentThis dataset contains a raster file showing the contribution of land to the regulation of greenhouse gases (carbon) through carbon sequestration associated with the soil. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for a...
EnvironmentCorine Land Cover 2012 is a map of the Irish environmental landscape based on interpretation of satellite images based on EC established CORINE (Coordination of Information on the Environment) specifications.
Linear mine features consisting of Faults, Fold axis, Lines of subsidence, minearlized veins and structural contours.
National Ecosystem and Ecosystem Services Map - Ecosystem Service Stock Map: Marine CarbonEnvironmentThis dataset contains a raster file showing contribution to the regulation of greenhouse gases (carbon) through carbon sequestration associated with the marine environment. This dataset is part of a dataset series that establishes an ecosystem service maps (national scale) for...
Urban Waste Water Agglomerations Failing to meet EU Sewage Treatment StandardsGovernmentThis shows all urban areas that failed to comply with one or more of the EU sewage treatment standards. Further information about urban areas failing to meet EU sewage treatment standards and information on the Directive can be found in the EPA’s Annual Urban Waste Water...
This dataset contains the overall risk status result for lake waterbodies (2008). The risk status was calculated as part of the Article 5 characterisation and risk assessment report carried out on all waterbodies. It identified those at risk of failing the objectives of the...
The EU Water Framework Directive (2000/60/EC) (WFD) establishes a framework for the protection, improvement and management of surface water and groundwater. The Catchment dataset is built on clusters of subcatchments (derived from river waterbody polygons). All Catchments are...
A data warehouse, ERIC, has been developed to manage data related to Ireland’s annual environmental radioactivity monitoring programme and related projects which have been undertaken since the early 1980’s. ERIC contains all of the environmental radioactivity monitoring data...
Mean Offshore Wind Speed 2003 - height 75m above mean sea levelEnergyMean average offshore wind speeds in metres per second (m/s) at 75m above sea level. The wind speed data, modelled in 2003, covers the Irish Internal Waters and the Irish Territorial Sea up to 12 nautical miles from the baseline. The Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland...
This is a point dataset of Industrial Emissions Licensing facilities. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is the competent authority for granting and enforcing Industrial Emissions (IE) licences for specified industrial and agriculture activities listed in the First...
Register of Protected Areas - SAC Conservation Objective Species Ground WaterbodiesEnvironmentWFD Ground Water Bodies intersecting with Designated Special Areas of Conservation Conservation Objective Species under the EU Habitats Directive (together with the Birds Directive) - Council Directive 92/43/EE of 21st May 1992 and Directive 79/409/EEC.