Public Finance Sets out Dublin City Council annual financial statements. See related dataset Dublin City Council Spending & Revenue. For further information please refer to dublin city council website...
This Data Sets shows the rain fall statistic for two rain stations that are managed by Fingal County Council and not published by anyone else.This data shows each rain fall statistic for Curaken and Nevitt M1For further information on rain fall please see published at Met...
Traffic volumes data across Dublin City from the SCATS traffic management system. The Sydney Coordinated Adaptive Traffic System (SCATS) is an intelligent transportation system used to manage timing of signal phases at traffic signals. SCATS uses sensors at each traffic signal...
Loan Payments by banks by quarter 2007 to dateHousingSource: From IBF/PwC Mortgage Market Profile alone This data is not directly comparable with pre 2006 data The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the...
HousingThis is the first data released from the data collected under the Data Gathering Initiative whereby Local Authorities supply a detailed breakdown of their loan book by loan at the end of each month. It replaces a survey of Local Authorities. As such there may be...
This data contains an unquantified element of refinancing of existing mortgages (e.g. involving the redemption of an existing mortgage and its replacement with a mortgage from a different lender). The most current data is published...
HousingSource: From lending institutions and local authorities The Loan payments dataset stops in 2007. This data contains an unquantified element of refinancing of existing mortgages (e.g. involving the...
Referendum on the Thirtieth Amendment of the Constitution Bill 2012HousingReferendum on Thirtieth Amendment of Constitution Bill 2012
This data is not directly comparable with pre 2006 data The most current data is published on these sheets. Previously published data may be subject to revision. Any change from the originally published data will be highlighted by a comment on...
Key Species Prices Table 2021, based on all vessel nationalities landing into Ireland, and sourced from Sales Notes.
The BER Research Tool gives researchers access to statistical data from the Building Energy Rating (BER) scheme which is administered by the Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland. The BER certificate indicates the annual primary energy usage and carbon dioxide emissions...
Education and SportThis data comes from the HEA's Student Record System (SRS). These are annual returns submitted to the HEA by each of the HEA-funded higher education institutions in Ireland. For further information, please visit www.hea.ie/statistics.
EnvironmentThe data contained in this resource consists of rescued rainfall data from 114 locations across Ireland. The data covers a range of periods pre-1940. Each folder comprises of a csv file with an accompaning metadata text file. The metadata provides a discription of the data,...
Species records from 5-visit Butterfly Monitoring Scheme Geographic Coverage: Republic of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2017-2021 Species Groups recorded: insect - butterfly Dataset Status: Updated annually Additional Information:...
Records of the Iveragh Peninsula's wildlife gathered by research assistants employed with the LIVE Project as they carried out fieldwork for various projects on the Peninsula. Geographic Coverage: The coastal communities of the Iveragh Peninsula, Co. Kerry are the focus of the...
A complete database for the Ephemeroptera of Ireland Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 1850 - 2022 Species Groups recorded: insect - mayfly (Ephemeroptera Dataset Status: Complete and published Additional Information: Kelly-Quinn, M. and Bracken,...
EnvironmentSpatial distribution of Wasps in Ireland Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: 2004 to present Species Groups recorded: insect - hymenopteran Dataset Status: This dataset is continually updated with new records
Records of earthworm distribution on the island of Ireland. Geographic Coverage: The island of Ireland. Temporal Coverage: 16/06/1892 to 24/05/2013 Species Groups recorded: annelid Dataset Status: Complete in terms of historical records. Additional Information: Citation:...
Marine sites, habitats and species data collected during the BioMar survey of Ireland.EnvironmentA database of marine species of the seashore and seabed of the island of Ireland. Geographic Coverage: The coast of the island of Ireland Temporal Coverage: The data were collected from 1993 to 1996 Species Groups recorded: bacterium, horseshoe worm (Phoronida), bony fish...