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Publishers: Office of Public Works

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    Abstract: This data shows the metrics derived for the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme relating to the ungauged catchment outlines. This includes different land uses, soil types, and average annual rainfalls for each ungauged catchment but also metrics regarding the...
    Abstract: This data shows the metrics derived for the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme relating to the gauged catchment outlines. This includes different land uses, soil types, and average annual rainfalls for each ungauged catchment but also metrics regarding the Blueline...
    Abstract: This data shows the nodes used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Under the FSU research, 134,000 nodes, representing ungauged locations were placed at 500m centres along the 42,000 km of the Blueline River Network. Purpose: The data has been developed to...
    Abstract: This data shows the catchment outlines relating to the 134,000 nodes, representing ungauged locations, used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Using the OSi Digital Elevation Model, catchment outlines were derived for each of these nodes. Purpose: The data...
    Abstract: This data shows the catchment outlines relating to the 216 FSU stations, representing gauged locations, used in the Flood Studies Update (FSU) Programme. Using the OSi Digital Elevation Model, catchment outlines were derived for each of these nodes. Purpose: The data...
    Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data. Abstract: This data shows the temperature readings for the full period of record at water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network.
    Abstract: This data shows the water temperature readings for the last month at water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.
    Abstract: This data shows the daily mean water level readings for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Daily mean water levels are the mean values of level as calculated for each day. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives...
    Abstract: This data shows the periodic water level check readings taken on site by Field Technicians to validate the data collected at water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the...
    Abstract: This data shows discharge estimates for the full period of recordat at water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.
    Abstract: This data shows the daily mean discharge estimates for water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Daily mean discharge estimates are the mean values of discharge as calculated for each day. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management...
    Abstract: This data shows the discharge estimates for the last month at monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.
    Abstract: This data shows the water level readings for the last month at water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.
    Abstract: This data shows the water level readings for the full period of record at water monitoring stations in the Office of Public Works hydrometric network. Purpose: To support Flood Risk Management objectives through the collection of hydrometric data.
    Abstract: This dataset shows the Detailed Shoreline Combined Wave Climate and Water Level Conditions for the Wexford and Burrow Coastal Areas Potentially Vulnerable to Wave Overtopping (CAPOs). Joint probability water level and wave climate condition tables have been produced...
    Abstract: This data shows the embankments forming part of Drainage Districts. Embankments are walls of soil or sods that were constructed to protect low lying ground from flooding (not properties). Drains and sluices or pumps were also provided to take away rainwater that fell...
    Abstract: This data shows the land that was drained as part of the Drainage District. The original maps also identified other land owned by the same landowner so as to calculate the appropriate charge for maintenance. Drainage Districts were carried out by the Commissioners of...
    Abstract: This data shows the watercourses forming part of Drainage Districts. Drainage Districts were carried out by the Commissioners of Public Works under a number of drainage and navigation acts from 1842 to the 1930s to improve land for agriculture and to mitigate...
    Abstract: This data shows Land Commision (LC) Benefiting Areas associated with the works carried out by landowners typically in the 19th century, that individual landowners have a responsibility to maintain. The benefited lands identifies land that was drained as part of the...
    Abstract: This data shows Land Commision (LC) Embankments constructed by landowners typically in the 19th century, that individual land owners have a responsibility to maintain. These are man made raised structures of natural materials, constructed to protect low lying ground...