AHM04 - Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2015=100)HIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeAgricultureAgricultural Input and Output Price Indices (Base 2015=100)
Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Agricultural Input and Output Price Indices
Manufacturing Milk and Hen Egg Prices (including VAT)
AgricultureFeed Stuff Price
Pig Price (including VAT)
Sheep Price (including VAT)
Manufacturing Milk and Hen Egg Prices (including VAT)
AgricultureFeed Stuff Price
Pig Price (including VAT)
Sheep Price (including VAT)
AgricultureProduction of Dairy Products
Intake of Cows Milk by Creameries and Pasteurisers
AgricultureFarm Animals in December
AgricultureMilk Sales (Dairy) for Human Consumption
Agriculture (NACE 01) Sequence of Accounts
Food and Drink (NACE 10-12) Sequence of Accounts
Food and Drink Exports for January & February