The twelve nautical mile limit pertains to fisheries and it gives exclusive rights to Irish registered fishing vessels to fish in those waters. Between six and twelve miles some fishing vessels, flying the flags of the U.K., France, Belgium, The Netherlands and Germany, have...
EnvironmentThe Irish Weather Buoy Network is a network of 5 weather buoys around Ireland. These weather buoys are moored surface buoys with instruments which collect weather and ocean data including air temperature, atmospheric humidity, sea surface temperature, sea temperature and...
The hydrodynamic model, ROMS (Regional Ocean Modeling System), is run for a domain that covers a significant portion of the northeast Atlantic at a resolution of 2.5 km and and with 40 vertical levels.7-day forecasts are generated for research purposes and for comparison with...
SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The operational East_Atlantic model used to generate this dataset was an implementation of the SWAN model for Irish waters. The East Atlantic SWAN Wave...
EnvironmentThe indicative soils map classifies the soils of Ireland on a categorically simplified but cartographically detailed basis into 25 classes, using an expert rule based methodology. Produced by Teagasc (Kinsealy), EPA and GSI.
The Classified Bivalve Mollusc Production Areas in Ireland ( 2011/12) designates the production areas from which live bivalve molluscs may be taken. Gatherers may only harvest live bivalve molluscs from these production areas which have fixed locations and boundaries and...
EnvironmentThis dataset shows river streams in Ireland. This dataset contains just Order 0 and 1 rivers. Stream order is a measure of the relative size of streams. The smallest tributaries are referred to as first-order streams.
The EPA carries out a programme of round-the-clock measurements from our permanent monitoring network and a programme of sampling followed by laboratory testing. We take and test around 2000 samples every year. Most samples are taken from fixed locations throughout Ireland....
SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The operational East_Atlantic model used to generate this dataset was an implementation of the SWAN model for Irish waters. The East Atlantic SWAN Wave...
The Blue Flag is an exclusive eco-label awarded for beaches and marinas by the FEE (Foundation for Environmental Education). In 2013 a total of 74 beaches of 133 were awarded the Blue Flag in the Republic of Ireland. They are selected through strict criteria dealing with water...
EnvironmentThis is a point data set of the location of urban waste water emission points. In terms of usage of this dataset please note that there is a period of time between when emission locations are licensed and when they appear in this dataset.
Marine Strategy Framework Directive Marine WatersEnvironmentThe Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) Assessment Area is the geographic area management and reporting unit for Ireland's MSFD reporting. The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) is European legislation, which aims to protect the marine environment. It requires...
Dataset relating to WFD Ground Waterbody Approved Risk assigned to each feature by the Catchment scientists.
This data collection activity covers baseline, geographical and temporal trend monitoring of heavy metals and chlorinated hydrocarbons in water from the marine chemistry monitoring programme. Data for water chemistry covers marine areas around Ireland and between Ireland and...
Maritime Spatial Planning Directive Assessment AreaEnvironmentMaritime spatial planning is about planning when and where human activities take place at sea to ensure these are as efficient and sustainable as possible. Maritime spatial planning involves stakeholders in a transparent way in the planning of maritime activities. In July...
EnvironmentBoarfish surveys have been carried out on commercial fishing vessels as part of an industry/science partnership. Boarfish surveys have taken place in the Celtic Seas around Ireland including the North Atlantic Ocean. They have taken place each July and have been collected...
SWAN (Simulating Waves Nearshore) is a third-generation wave model which was primarily developed for use in coastal regions. The operational East_Atlantic model used to generate this dataset was an implementation of the SWAN model for Irish waters. The East Atlantic SWAN Wave...
Linear features associated with a mine site. This includes adit level and coal seems.
EnvironmentThis is a points dataset of the locations of current and past air monitoring sites managed within the EPA's National Ambient Air Quality Network.
Point locations of wells, springs and sinkholes identified at historic mine sites.