The IMAGIN study has concluded that a number of areas with potential to support marine aggregate extraction exist within the Irish Sea and that marine aggregates can contribute to the sustainable management of demand and future use of aggregates in Ireland.
These nutrient sensitive points are those locations listed in accordance with the Urban Waste Water Treatment (UWWT) Directive 91/271/EEC on Urban Waste Water Treatment and S.I. 254 / 2001, S.I. 440/2004 and S.I. 48/2010. The waterbody containing the sensitive area is used to...
EnvironmentMultibeam echosounder data and seabed sampling data acquired during the INFOMAR and INSS national seabed mapping programmes were the primary sources of data used in the generation of this Collated Seabed Substrate layer. The original classes assigned to the data were...
Sea surface temperature is collected via permanent scientific equipment on board the MI research vessel RV Lough Beltra. Data includes temperature from the hull mounted sensor known as 'Hull Sea Temperature' and temperature/salinity from the temperature sensor known as...
This is a points dataset of the location of IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention Control) facilities that are currently licensed by the EPA.
EnvironmentThis shapefile contains a range of mining features found on a typical mine site. This includes historic mine buildings and other typical mining features that are polygon in nature.
This file contains original variables from Theme 2 Migration, ethnicity and religion from Census 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Place of Birth, Nationality, Ethnicity, Religion and...
EnvironmentCTD or Conductivity Temperature Depth stations measure temperature, conductivity and depth of the water column at various depths from the surface to within 10m of the seafloor. A CTD is the oceanographic instrument used to determine the conductivity, temperature, and depth of...
This is a points dataset of Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) sites. The EPA has been licensing certain activities since 1994. IPC licensing is governed by the Environmental Protection Agency Act 1992 as amended. Detailed procedures concerning the IPC licensing process are...
Bathing Water Area profiles referred to in Regulation 5 is to consist of a description of the physical, geographical and hydrological characteristics of the bathing water, as provided for in Directive 2006/7/EC where Designated Bathing Waters exist under S.I. No. 79/2008 and...
This is a point dataset of the location of all Dumping at Sea Chemical Monitoring Points.
Licensing rounds awarded by the Petroleum Affairs Division (PAD) in the Irish Atlantic Margin. The 2015 licensing round includes three regions. The Irish Atlantic Margin geographic coverage includes foreshore and offshore waters in what is known as the Currently Designated...
OREDP SEA Tidal Resource Transnational BoundaryEnergyDepartment of Communications, Climate Action & Environment commissioned Offshore Renewable Energy Development Plan Strategic Environmental Assessment Tidal Resource transnational area between Northern Ireland and Ireland for the development of tidal energy.
This file contains original variables from Theme 10 Education from Census 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Age of Education Ceased, Field of Study and Highest Level of Education...
EnvironmentThe data indicates the location of net fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2),...
The location of the sampling site for each stream sediment sampled and analysed.
EnvironmentThe location of all the Envorinmental Protection Agency's Offices and Laboratories.
This file contains original variables from Theme 15 PC and Internet Access from Census 2006 & 2011 and a series of additional variables produced by AIRO such as percentage rates, ratios etc. The file includes data on Households with Cars, Personal Computers and Internet...
EnvironmentAcoustic surveys have been generally carried out on spawning and pre-spawning aggregations of fish. Outside of the spawning season many pelagic species have been generally very scattered over a large geographical area and difficult to detect using acoustic methods. A cruise...
EnvironmentData indicates the location for pot fishing activity in Irish waters. Attributes when known include year, area, gear type, species, season, days per year (Days_Year), number of vessels (Vessels), vessel size (LOA_Max), gear units, classification, Area of polygon (Area_M2), and...