CV17037 LANGOLF-TV Project: 2017 Underwater TV (UWTV) Survey of Nephrops in the Bay of BiscayEnvironmentA LANGOLF Underwater TV (UWTV) survey of Nephrops (Nephrops norvegicus) in the Bay of Biscay in May 2017 conducted by the Marine Institute (MI) with the French Research Institute for Exploitation of the Sea (IFREMER). This work involves the acquisition and analysis of UWTV...
EnvironmentA 3 day PSE Kinsale Energy Ltd. survey which chartered the Marine Institute's R.V. Celtic Voyager to carry out an environmental survey inthe Kinsale gas field in April 2017. Complete environmental survey in Kinsale gas field
EnvironmentThis two day survey took place in March 2017 on board the R.V. Celtic Voyager off the coast of Co. Cork to carry out trials the under water television (UWTV) equipment and INFOMAR gear. To conduct equipment trials on board the R.V. Celtic Voyager.
NUIG Post-graduate training survey in Galway Bay. Training Objectives • To deliver an accredited, offshore, blended learning, post-graduate module that will contribute towards student learning and research in order to fulfill academic requirements. • Provide students with...
GMIT Multidisciplinary Survey Planning cruise in Galway Bay. The objectives of the current survey are: To implement a Peer Assisted Learning model in a shipboard training environment. Through planning and execution of a multidisciplinary research cruises, facilitated by...
EnvironmentBLUEfish survey on the abundance and distribution of scallop in the Celtic Sea and the Irish Sea and Saint George's Channel. Scallop research survey
EnvironmentThe INtegrated Mapping FOr the Sustainable Development of Ireland’s MArine Resource (INFOMAR) programme is a joint venture between the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) and the Marine Institute (MI). The programme is a successor to the Irish National Seabed Survey (INSS) and...
Annual second leg underwater television (UWTV) survey of abundance and distribution of Nephrops in the Celtic Sea Nephrops Grounds. The prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) are common in the Celtic Sea occurring in geographically distinct sandy/muddy areas where the sediment is...
Annual underwater television (UWTV) survey of abundance and distribution of Nephrops in the Celtic Sea Nephrops Grounds. The prawn (Nephrops norvegicus) are common in the Celtic Sea occurring in geographically distinct sandy/muddy areas where the sediment is suitable for them...
This eight day geological survey took place in March 2017 on board the Marine Institute's R.V. Celtic Voyager off the coast of Co. Donegal. The aim of this survey was to understand and quantify Quaternary sediment off Western Donegal to promote sustainable development...
EnvironmentThe Geophysical Exploration of the Shallow Sub-seabed (GESS) survey is a collaborative survey undertaken by researchers in iCRAG – The Irish Centre for Research in Applied Geosciences, University College Cork and the University of Bremen (Germany). The aim of the survey is to...
EnvironmentThe European Commission Habitats Directive (92/43/EEC) required Member States to implement a range of measures including the monitoring of habitats for the protection of species listed in the Annexes of the Directive. One such habitat type listed in Annex l of this directive...
National Maritime College Ireland training survey in Cork Harbour. Practical Application of Academic Modules; Trainee Deck Officers (Undergraduate) Primarily CIT Module NAUT6006 - Seamanship for Trainee Deck Officers Secondary CIT Module NAUT6003 - Introduction to Coastal...
Galway Bay Wavebob Deployment Survey Deploy Wavebob energy device at test site in Galway Bay.
Annual first leg Irish Groundfish Survey undertaken by the Marine Institute reporting to the International Bottom Trawl Survey. Survey the abundance and distribution of target demersal fisheries species.
EnvironmentUniversity of Bremen Survey oceanographic survey. Oceanographic conditions survey and analysis.
M1 weather buoy service survey in the North Atlantic Ocean. Service M1 weather buoy located in the North Atlantic Ocean.
EnvironmentGMIT Galway Bay Student Training Survey. Train GMIT graduates in marine surveying best practices.
Primary marine aerosol production (MAP) is produced by the interaction between wind and waves. The wind drag at the sea surface creates waves. When the wind speeds exceeds a certain threshold, between 4 and 7 ms-1, the drag becomes so high that the waves break and air is...
INFOMAR equipment ground truthing and calibrations survey in Galway Bay Test INFOMAR seabed survey equipment before deployment to full survey production.