GovernmentQALI Indicators
Modal split of inland freight transport
Proportion of Life Expectancy in poor health
GovernmentImport and Exports
KLEMS Indicators
JusticePrisoners released from custody
PRA08 - Prisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicatorJusticePrisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicator
PRA07 - Prisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicatorJusticePrisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicator
PRA06 - Prisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicatorJusticePrisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicator
JusticeFine sentences with 1 year and 3 year re-offending indicator
PRA02 - Prisoners released from custody with 1 year and 3 year re-offending indicatorJusticePrisoners released from custody with 1 year and 3 year re-offending indicator
PRA05 - Prisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicatorJusticePrisoners released from custody with 3 year re-offending indicator
Same-Sex Marriages Celebrated
PRA01 - Prisoners released from custody and 3 year re-offending indicatorHIGH VALUECentral Statistics OfficeJusticePrisoners released from custody and 3 year re-offending indicator
GovernmentGVA Indicators
Total expenditure on health care as a percentage of GDP
GovernmentLife expectancy at birth (Years)
GovernmentUnemployment rates
GovernmentGDP growth rates
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics graduates